This is a Replica Louis Vuitton Monogram Leather Tote. Many cannot afford to buy an original made by this iconic designer in the world of high fashion. It will be very difficult to tell this replica from the authentic designer item and will give you a beautiful Louis Vuitton replica you will be proud to own.
This gorgeous tote was donated by a generous California business woman who is owned by three sweet pupsters. All proceeds will be applied to our pupsters needs which include vetting, food and grooming. We are a sanctuary for senior and special need dogs. This Replica Louis Vuitton Monogram Leather Tote is new without tag.
Zippered closure
Approximately 16" Wide at top 13" Wide at bottom..10" Tall..6" Deep
Monogram and solid black leather
Leather Lining
TWO interior slip pockets
ONE interior zippered pocket
Detachable strap adjustable up to 20" drop
Silver tone hardware
7" handle drop
Dust cover
The Replica Louis Vuitton Monogram Leather Tote is $315 including USPS Priority shipping (with Delivery Confirmation) within the continental US. If shipping to Canada or UK, please contact us PRIOR TO PURCHASE for shipping prices at If you prefer to pay by other methods, please follow instructions at the bottom of the page.
If you prefer to pay by personal check,please
make your check payable to Peke A Tzu Rescue
and mail to:
Peke A Tzu Rescue
PO Box 1
Trufant, MI 49347
Please include your email address so we can email to confirm order.