Bruiser's Forever Home Update

August 14, 2005
Bruiser is doing awesome! He is just so much fun to have around. His barking is much better now so we'll keep working on that. He is so funny at bedtime. We bring him to bed with us and he just loves to tunnel around under the blankets for awhile until he poops out. But he doesn't stay on the bed very long. He eventially jumps down to stretch out next to Tara on the floor. They are like two peas in a pod!
He knows sit, down, off, stop, look, and wait. Stay is a bit harder for him because he is so excited all the time! I don't know what we ever did without him around here!
That's all for now.

June 19, 2005
I have finally had time to work with the camera and get some updated pictures to you. Bruiser is doing awesome. He has quite the personality and runs the household!! He and Tara are inseperable and even though I bathe Bruiser at home, he goes to the groomer for the day with Tara just so they don't have to be apart! The groomer gets quite a kick out of the pair!
He loves to go on walks and he keeps right up with Tara and we take long walks--sometimes a mile or more but he never wears out. He is getting better with his barking at the neighbors as we keep working on that. The one dog that lived behind us and was their best buddy has moved away so both Bruiser and Tara spent a couple of weeks looking for him to come out and play. I think they have finally figured out that he is gone now. So now the only neighbor dogs are over a couple of yards so all they can do is bark back and forth. The little boy next door likes to run up and down the fence line with Tara but because Bruiser barks at him, he won't play with Bruiser like he does Tara. But now that Bruiser is getting better about the barking, I think they will become friends as well.
Hope you like the pictures. They were just taken today.

I wish I could send you a video--Bruiser will chase Tara around the yard and catch Tara by the end of her tail at which point Tara shakes him loose and then they start all over again. It is very funny to watch. Especially since Tara really can out run Bruiser so it appears that she is letting him catch her!
Take care.

May 9, 2005
I am so sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. I am in the midst of a lot of projects right now so spending a lot of time with that. Plus, I wanted to send you some new pics fo Bruiser but the batteries in the camera went dead. I will try to remember to pick some up tomorrow so I can show you what a handsome young man he is now! His big boy hair is all in and we were just at the vet's last week to start his heartworm meds and he ways 8.5 ponds now! The doc says he is pretty sure Bruiser is done growing so he and the cat are just about the same size! Which is good because the two of them are quite the pair.
Tara and Bruiser are doing great together as well. They love to spend time outside together chasing the squirrels that are, wisely, staying in the neighbors' yards!
Bruiser has become completely house-broken now! ( I should knock on wood!) It was a bit of a task to teach him how to ask to go out but he has it figured out now. Plus, as you know, he would get out there and forget what he was supposed to be doing! But hanging out with Tara has helped alot I am sure.
He is just an absolute delight and we love having him as part of our family!!!!! I don't know what we ever did without him!!!!
Take care and I will send photos as soon as I get some batteries.

February 19, 2005
Well I finally figured out how to hook the camera up to the computer! The pictures aren't too great - I don't know if it's my picture taking skills or the camera. I will have to practice some more with it. Although it is always difficult to get a really good picture of a black animal - they tend to just look like black blobs! Spade is doing very well! He went to the vet's for his pre-surgical exam this morning then he went to the ice rink to meet all of Justine's friends and watch them practice. Everyone just loved him! With it being so cold out, he travels inside Justine's coat! He is doing pretty good with the housebreaking but we have a ways to go yet. He knows what we want him to do when we go out but is still not very good about telling us that he needs to go out. But he'll get it soon. He sleeps through the night in Justine's room just fine. He sacks out pretty early - I wish Justine would too! He really seems to like exploring our backyard which is quite large. He has checked out the entire thing numerous times. He even likes to talk back to the dogs he hears in the neighborhood! In fact we have nicknamed him, "the bruiser" because he thinks he is so tough!!
We visited some friends last night who have a 5 month old Sheltie girl. They had fun playing together. They practiced their sit commands together! He and Annie the cat are getting more comfortable around each other. She was spayed on Tuesday so she has been a bit grumpy anyways but is getting back to her old self and accepting the new member of the family. The two of them even had breakfast together this morning! Although they each seemed to like the other's food better!! The big news for today is that Spade went down two steps all by himself ! This is a big accomplishment for him because he has been quite uncertain about the whole stairs thing so far. I don't blame him though - for a little guy, it must seem like an aweful long ways up and down.
Take care.

February 14, 2004
Well, the transition has been better than we could have hoped has been affectionate towards Spade and Spade seems to look up to her as a big sister! He slept through the night and was up and ready to go at 6 AM -- right on schedule. He is having fun exploring his new backyard. He even growled at something last night - I think he was seeing one of the small trees over by the fence and it probably looked like a person.We took him up to the store this morning and got him a sweater to stay warm while he is outside. I don't think he was happy having to try all of them on but we wanted to be sure it fit correctly and was comfortable for him. They really have some wild outfits for dogs these days!
The cat is a bit mad at us and has been seen very little since we got home last night but she did just come out when I showed her a new toy so I know she will warm up to the situation in a day or so. My girlfriend who got her 2nd dog last fall said her cat acted the same way for a bit but now gets along just fine with the puppy. I have not had a chance to figure out how to download the pictures on the camera but will work on it this week so I can send you and Judy pictures of the homecoming. Thank you again for everything and I will be in touch in a day or so.

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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