Derek's Forever Home Update

Forever Home

September 3, 2014
Hi Aunt Jan, Uncle Bruce and all the pupsters!!!
Mom sent some pics but we weren't sure if they got there. She will send more as she takes them. We are so happy!!!!!! She tells me she loves me more every day if that is possible. I still give her a million kisses every chance I get and she loves it! I'm healthy and happy. I wouldn't eat the chicken diet anymore so Mom is now cooking a delicious raw diet for me and using her Nutri Bullet for healthy sauces. My Vet is pretty impressed with her concoctions and so am I!
Love you all and hope everyone is finding wonderful forever homes like me. :)
Love and many wet kisses,
Derek Lyman Benson

March 24, 2014
Hi Jan,
It's after our morning cuddle and I was just sitting down to update you. Plain and simple.... I love him. He is the best boy. I took today off work and will enjoy every minute with him. He gives me a cute little bark when he wants potty time outside and trots off to the back door. He is in the process of marking his back yard and is 2/3 done already...I just laugh when he raises that little leg. He seems to be adjusting very well. He sleeps with me which I love. He got very excited when I was in the kitchen portioning his food for the freezer bags. I didn't know he had a real bark until he saw a stranger on the road walking and growled like the best watch dog ever :) ! His favorite spots are in my arms for our morning cuddle and sitting on the couch by the front window to either watch cars or take his morning nap on the blanket you gave him. We will journey to Pet Smart today so he can shop. He did very well in the car on the ride home. He does well when on his leash too. I will set up a comfortable, safe and user friendly area for him while I'm at work and come home on my lunch hour to break up his day and let him outside. I can't thank you enough for loving our boy and taking such good care of him. He knows he will always be connected to and loved by Auntie Jan.
Hugs from me and many, many,many pupster kisses from Derek!
Bless you all,

April 21, 2014
Hi Jan, Bruce and Pupsters,
Derek and I have been soooo busy but that is still no excuse for not writing sooner. I absolutely love him and enjoy having him in my life and if his pupster kisses are any indication of how he feels about me, I am very much loved in return. We enjoy a cuddle before I leave for work and he gives me a sad face sometimes but he knows I will return at lunch and take him outside and play. He is the best boy in the house-no potty surprises at all. He will bark, then go to the back door and I take him out. We go for a walk almost every day and explore. He loves being outside! He is the best watchdog in Michigan. I have to laugh because his growl sounds like a sputtering motor boat. He is getting better in the car...and forget the car seat..he will have no part of that nonsense. :) He has met his vet already for an ear infection and he really likes her. He will meet his new groomer soon and I'm sure he will do just fine. He loves my "puppy tub" and is so well behaved during his bath. Thank you again for all you have done for him and all your pupsters. Your loving devotion shows.
Love you always,
Derek and Wendy

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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