Flutter's Forever Home Update

Forever Home

April 24 2014
Hello Jan,
We made it home and Flutter is getting comfortable in her new home. She ate dinner with Piper without any problems and she adores my boyfriend (won’t leave him alone). We also went for our first walk. She did pretty well… she spent most of the walk following Piper around and did stop to smell a few places. Thank you so much for letting me adopt her. I think she is perfect for Piper. I’ll send more pictures and updates soon :)

April 29, 2014
Hello Jan, My daughter, Liz, made a video for Flutter to celebrate her coming home. Flutter is adjusting very well – had a few accidents but that’s to be expected. She is also doing very well on our daily walks. Some skittish moments but she seems to be enjoying them more every time we go. Thank you again for doing such a great job with Flutter :)

May 20, 2014 Hello Jan,
Here is the video Liz posted on youtube for me. They are just so happy together. This has worked out better than I could have ever hoped for.
Thank you!

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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