Fritz's Forever Home Update

May 2, 2005
Hi there!
Fritz is doing just fine! We are at about 99% on the "losing it" and tinkling in the house (but still holds that pee forever!). Probably about 98% on the nipping too (is now mostly show and no bite) - still have to watch him when he is deep sleeping though (really grumpy!) - think it's an auto response (eyes closed!), but if you wake him verbally, he will move on his own, without a problem.
The "Little Prince" went in for his annual check-up (heart worm, etc) and weighed in at 27lbs! We have since cut back on the amount of cookies, but think it's just because he couldn't run in the yard during the snowy winter months (he tried, but was so deep he got stuck - too cute). Doc said he was husky and definitely not fat and gave him a clean bill of health along with more cookies!
He is well loved and knows it!
alyce & cory

January 9, 2005
Hi Jan,
Just a note to let you know how the boy is doing. Fritz has been nothing but wonderful. We are hoping it was the 2 steps backward and now he will catapult forward (5 step forward) and over the last problem. This appears to be the way he learns.
At first he was very careful about kissing me (would sniff at my nose/booboo and give a quick little kiss and cower). Now, on the bed he just can't get close enough, throwing his body onto my side and throwing his head back under my chin. Even gave me kisses after laying down for the night!!! (he absolutely never gives kisses once he lies down, even if asked). He has been demanding lots of pets and hugs and of course getting it.
We are convinced more than ever that he has an autoresponse from whatever was done to him before. I believe Fritz is sharp enough to eventurally overcome this problem and take his rightful place of Prince of the House. He has come a long way in the last 6 months and trusts me for just about everything else - one last hurdle and we are home free!!!!!

November 21, 2004
Hi Jan,
Just an update on the Fritz situation - since receiving the belly bands (and trying one on), we have not had any problems! (figures, right) Fritz had only one mishap, from holding it too long and sprung a lake before getting down the stairs, but other than that, NOT ONE DROP! 2 steps back and 5 giant leaps forward! Think he's finally got it (cross your fingers).
We do give him tons of praise and cookies after peeing outside, and he still wants us to stay outside with him and doesn't want to come in after peeing (He feels we should play "you can't catch me" with him cause he's so,o,o good).

November 11, 2004
Hi Jan,
Here are a couple of photos of Fritz in his new jacket and booties (which he put on without incident)! We will probably use one for our Xmas card this year.
Thanks for your help,

June 22, 2004
Hi Jan,
Well, we made a discovery today - Fritz doesn't like the rain or humidity! Wouldn't go to the bathroom until I put an umbrella over him and that was only after he was ready to burst!!! Then, after the rain stopped, he didn't want to even walk on the wet grass/dirt, walked back and forth on the sidewalk and wanted back in the house immediately and wouldn't pee!!!!! Such a baby!! (My airdale hated puddles, but didn't mind the rain - maybe they were related in another life.) Fritz sends his love!!

June 19, 2004
Hi Jan,
Fritz is doing just fine! He now knows sit, gimmi-five and down (without treats). Come only when you have a treat, but I haven't formally pushed that yet (this command tends to make him submissive tinkle?) - just do a hand signal and say come - if he comes lots of kudos.
Slowly Fritz has started to explore (as opposed to following me everywhere and laying at my feet). Yesterday he actually napped on the bed (alone!) and then the couch (alone!) while I was on the computer. He also leads me to the front door to let me know he wants to go for a walk! He's beginning to learn that the side of the house is his pee/poop place - but still wants someone to go with him most of the time.
All in all he is quite the little personality, switching from cute begging to quite pushy (pulls on my arm with his paw when I'm trying to type if he really wants something) and we love him dearly.
Will try to call during the week and hopefully get some pictures!

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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