Jenny's Forever Home Update

April 12, 2004
Well, Jan, you and Judy and the puppies certainly impressed Suzanne and her husband! She was sooo excited today at work. And it was rather contagious to anyone listening to her.
And so she is adopting Charity and Chance...not little Paige (who I understand has many people willing to adopt her and her brothers). When I looked at your web site last evening, I noticed Charity and Chance were "pending", never dreaming she had decided to adopt both. I've a feeling she will be quite eager to return from her vacation to get her new family members.
When I talked to her last Friday she said she and her husband were driving up to see Paige on Sunday. I assumed they were going to White Cloud, although she thought at the time she would only be going as far as G.R. So I didn't pressure her about going along. I would have brought Jenny; wouldn't you have been surprised if she ran into your arms! Hopefully, someday I'll be able to meet you and the wonderful people who work with you. I have so much admiration for what you do. And this mainly through your wonderful web site, e-mails and a couple of phone calls. Hopefully, someday I will be affiliated with you as a foster parent.
In the meantime, Suzanne and I continue to sing the praises of Peke A Tzu Rescue and encourage our co-workers who might be looking for a little furry critter to seriously think about adopting from you.
Jenny, Oli and Ben send you their love and wish you well.
God bless...Ruth E.

March 29, 2005
HI, Jan....Well, little Jenny came through her surgery with flying colors. The doc used the same incision site as Jenny's December surgery, and everythings looked fine. I now have the "chore" of restricting her food and water intake, at least until tomorrow a.m. She is really quite perky, and she even tried to flirt with Benjamin! Right now, they are cuddled up together on one of our larger pillow beds. (By the way, I loved your foster journal for today. Paris and his gal friend look like twins!)
I contacted South Bend Animal Control concerning fostering dogs, and South Bend's animal ordinance is quite specific and clear: only three dogs/cats per home/family. And it doesn't matter if they are adopted pets or foster pets. So, it was a really good idea, I thought, but for now I'll have to put my fostering plans on the back burner.
Take care.

March 24, 2005
Ah, Jan. I just read Lainey's sad...but now happy...story. I admire you and your people for all you do for these little creatures. I only wish I lived closer; I would love to help the pupsters...maybe even as a foster parent.
May the Easter blessings fill you with peace and joy.
p.s. Oli is back in one of the "houses". I think he "really" likes it.

March 23, 2005
Hi, Jan. Just had to let you know that the 2 dog house beds I ordered arrived today. They are really cute. However, is there a trick to zippering the roof onto the base? Is it easier to zip with two people working at it? Right now the roofs are just sitting on the top...unzipped...but that hasn't stopped Jenny and Oliver from getting comfortable in them. Benjamin doesn't seem to know what to do with them. In fact, I think he finds them a little scarey.
So, I am sending you three photos I tok tonight. (I actually took 18 didn't want to clutter up your computer.) I'll try to send them all with this e-mail but I may have to do so individually.
Have a wonderful Easter!
p.s. Looks like they all got attached. Practice makes perfect, I guess!

March 19, 2005
Hi, Jan. Took Jenny to the vet this morning. Because it was raining, I put her in the carrying case and we took the bus. Walked back...or at least I did while she sat very comfortably in the carrying case.
Doctor felt that the mass, which is still small, should be removed considering her past medical history. Because of its size, surgery will probably be done with a local anesthetic. The appointment is set for Monday, March 28. I'll let you know the results.
Also...Jenny now weighs 9.6 lbs! I have been giving her more food and she has a great appetite. Our little daily "food" ritual is that I fill three bowls, place them on the floor in front of me so I can sit and watch them "attack" their food. Jenny is the slowest eater, followed by Oliver with Benjamin being the fastest. At first, Jenny would stop eating when the other two were finished. Now, she keeps on eating with the others watching her very closely in case she accidently drops a morsel. I have a feeling, however, that if I was not carefully watching they would manage to steal a bit of her food although her gentle yet firm growl would put them in their place. Such fun!
Before you put all your pupsters to bed each night and they are all sitting with folded paws and bowed heads, ask them say a little prayer for Jenny. I'm sure they will be happy to do that.
Take care...and God bless.

March 18, 2005
Hi, Jan. I was happy to read in the foster journal where the doggy house beds could be obtained. Ever since I saw it in one of your January...or maybe I've wanted to get one. Soooo...I just bought two, not one. I'm eager to see how my 3 "kids" take to them.
And, speaking of kids...Jenny is such a bouncy, joyful little critter. I have, however, noticed a small mass over one area of her incision. It may not be anything, but knowing her history I want to get it checked. So we'll be trotting over to the vets this Saturday. (Or busing over, depending on the weather.) I'll let you know what the vet says. I'll also try to get a picture of Jenny in the doggy bed.
Take care...and "hi" from Jenny to you and the pupsters.

March 1, 2005
Hi, Jan, how goes everything up there in White Cloud? Sounds like you are having plenty of snow. The College cancelled classes for this evening and, if snow continues into tomorrow as it is right now, classes will again be cancelled.
I enjoy so much visiting your web site several times a day...yes, I said several. And I see your family has grown quite a bit this past month. And those three pekes from that one family...what a great looking trio. If I could "legally" have six critters instead of three, I would adopt all three. Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone was able to do just that. What a great way to keep that little family together.
And...speaking of little families...mine is in tip top shape and have become great friends. Jenny is wonderful, just wonderful. For the first 2 or 3 weeks her appetite didn't seem too good. As soon as the boys were finished eating, she would stop even if she had food left in the bowl. Maybe she felt like a guest and didn't want to continue eating if her "hosts" were finished. That has, however, changed! Now, when the boys are finished, she keeps right on munching, even though Oli and Ben watch her like two friendly hawks, waiting for her to drop a nugget outside of the bowl.
When I sent you that home-made card from Jenny in early February, I mentioned that she weighed 9 lbs. Oliver must have had a paw on the scale, because the next time I weighed her she was down to 8.5. She has been pretty consistant at that, so I expect her to reach a more acceptable weight very soon. She certainly has a good appetite.
As far as her "slurpy kisses" go however, she must have left them up there with your pupsters. A couple of weeks ago, however, she gave me a very gentle peck. I couldn't quite figure out what the occasion was, but I decided she was forgiving me for accidently stepping on her little paw OR she was asking my forgiveness for mistaking my fingernail as part of a treat I was holding out to her. (Isn't it fun to try to figure out why our companion animals do what they do?)
As with all doggies, each has a different type of bark for a different reason: Oliver gets totally excited at any movement outside...human, animal, car, ant,......! Benjamin, on the other hand, barks when he wants to play with Oliver. And Jenny barks to remind me not to forget to give treats at appointed times.
Well, I've babbled on long enough. I'm going to attach 5 photos. As usual, I'll probably have to send them on separate e-mails. Oliver is the black and white poodle mix; Benjamin in the Shih Tzu/Terrier/Bichon mix. And you will have no problem recognizing Jenny.
God continue to bless you for your loving care of his little creatures.
Ruth ..and Jenny...and Oliver...and Ben!

January 30, 2005
Hi, Jan...
Well, I have just graduated to being a Peke A Tzu Rescue person! When Jenny and I sat down to look at our favorite web site, we were both so very happy to see that Posey and Chanelle are on the adoption pending list. In fact, this happiness spilled over into tears, at least for me, but if Jenny could have cried, she would have. I'm delighted that two of the original three pupsters I was interested in are on the final stretch home. Hopefully, Shilo will soon be adopted,

January 25, 2005
Hi, Jan...Would you believe that our little Jenny has been pestering me all evening to send you an e-mail and let you know how happy she is in her new home? Of course, when the "boys" heard her plea, they had to add their own delight with this little Peke!
But is remarkable and delightful to see how these three pooches interact with each other. The guys are very gentle with her and recognize her qualities. Actually, I think she has twisted them around one of her little paws!
Jenny really, really is a delight. She had a few potty accidents that first day, but I have noticed nothing since then. She goes out and does her duty and, probably because of the cold, has no desire to linger.
She has joined the other two sleeping on the bed, although sometimes I have to rearrange the group to find enough space for myself.
When I took her to the vet last Friday, she weighed in at 8 lbs. She still is very thin and I plan to take her back for another weigh-in this weekend. Along with the boys, she is now eating Eukenuba Senior Plus diet meant to keep the older dog's bones in good condition.
I know I don't need to tell you what a wonderful pooch little Jenny is. Twice she even managed to give me one of her kisses, but she is a little bit shy about that yet.
Thank you for rescuing Jenny and making it possible for her to become a member of our little family.
A big kiss from that little girl!
God bless...Ruth

January 19, 2005
Hi, Jan...Would you believe that our little Jenny has been pestering me all evening to send you an e-mail and let you know how happy she is in her new home? Of course, when the "boys" heard her plea, they had to add their own delight with this little Peke!
But is remarkable and delightful to see how these three pooches interact with each other. The guys are very gentle with her and recognize her qualities. Actually, I think she has twisted them around one of her little paws!
Jenny really, really is a delight. She had a few potty accidents that first day, but I have noticed nothing since then. She goes out and does her duty and, probably because of the cold, has no desire to linger.
She has joined the other two sleeping on the bed, although sometimes I have to rearrange the group to find enough space for myself.
When I took her to the vet last Friday, she weighed in at 8 lbs. She still is very thin and I plan to take her back for another weigh-in this weekend. Along with the boys, she is now eating Eukenuba Senior Plus diet meant to keep the older dog's bones in good condition.
I know I don't need to tell you what a wonderful pooch little Jenny is. Twice she even managed to give me one of her kisses, but she is a little bit shy about that yet.
Thank you for rescuing Jenny and making it possible for her to become a member of our little family.
A big kiss from that little girl!
God bless...Ruth

January 16, 2005
Hi, Jan
Jenny kept after me until I promised to write to you and send some photos.
What a wonderful little doggy she is! After a bit of "marking her space" yesterday, she has gone outside happily wit her new brothers and did her duty quite quickly, making sure she used enough ground to cover it up!
When she comes in from outside, she "prances the peky" dance and gives a "here I am" kind of bark.
There are only a few "growls" heard among the three but it is just a "getting to know you better" type of thing.
I have taken some photos today and am sending you the best ones. My friend Patty said she would stop by sometime to meet Jenny. (Patty, by the way, shares her life with two Irish Setters!") When she gets here, I'll have her take some pxs of the entire family...all four of us!
I read through all of the information you sent with Jenny, and I will share it with our vet. I found one thing missing that I think will help us in Jenny's care. I did not find any surgical report or summary of her operation. If you have something like that, I would appreciate receiving a copy.
I am sending 5 ot 6 photos. If I have attachments, I'll send more e-mails.
p.s. Oliver just let out a series of barks, and Jenny followed him...doing the same...into the livingroom. Whatever it was that caught Oli's attention was gone, but Oliver and Jenny had a good time protecting the house! Benjamin, on the other hand, only barks when he wants to play. Too much effort for him to bark at any little thing.
Enjoy the photos,

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
Do not take anything from the site without permission.