MacCedez's Forever Home Update

October 5, 2005
Mac is really starting to fit in here. He eats with the others just fine, and shows no more aggression to them anymore. He is really trying hard to play with them, but they just don't know what to do. We also found out he is a toy hog. He sometimes carries 2 at a time in his mouth.

September 20, 2005
Hi Jan,
Was planning to e-mail you tonight and let you know we all made it safe and sound back to Washington. Mac is such a doll! He is learning to play ball tho I have had to change my style so I throw one ball each for him and Maggie. She is not sure what to think with another Scottie playing ball too. My older fellow always felt bringing a ball back only to have it thrown again was far beneath him-typical Scottie! I'll pester John to go through the pictures he took on the way home you should have seen it in the camper bed-3 Scotties and 2 humans! We all fit in our bed at home much better.
Thank you again for selecting us to adopt him-he is so much fun to have around. And today when I ran errands and came home it was so cute to have someone bouncing around so excited to see me. Teague and Maggie are so used to me coming and going that tho they are happy to see me when I get home they are not so exuberant.

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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