Mellie's Forever Home Update

Forever Home

May 19, 2012

Hi Jan,
It was really nice to finally get to meet you. Mellie is doing great so far. She shook and panted for a while then finally took a nap on my lap with the other doggies. She ate like a little piggy : ) She seems to enjoy motorhoming. She went to the back to get a drink of water and crawled in bed with Reagan and is now asleep. We will be stopping soon for dinner and to give the babies another potty break. Not long after dinner it will be beddy time. It has been a long but wonderful day! I love my Mellie! : )

May 27, 2012
Hi Jan,
I just wanted to let you know Mellie has had a wonderful week. She quickly learned how to go up stairs. She will only go down two at this point. She gobbles her raw food like a little piggy. In the photo she was napping on my just laundered curtains with Chloe and Twinkles. I was painting the window in the picture. The babies like to supervise my work for all of my projects. I love all of my babies VERY VERY MUCH!!

June 3, 2012

Hi Jan,
Mellie has had a very good week. She is learning a lot as she explores. She is less fearful then when we first brought her home. Yesterday she went for another short motorhome trip to my brothers home in Maryland for his stepdaughters graduation party. All the relatives think she is adorable! I took the attached photo today of the babies looking out the kitchen door of the early 1800's house we are restoring & will eventually move to. They are all getting along perfectly. Twinkles and Mellie gave started to play together. All the best to you and the pupsters.

June 19, 2012
Hi Jan,
Just wanted to let you know Mellie is really doing great! She is a perfect dog! Her favorite time of day is VERY early in the morning licking my face when I'm trying to sleep. The bed isn't soft enough for her. She must lay on the bed on a pillow. Such a little Princess! : ) I'm not sure if you received the last picture and message I sent to you or not. I got a weird notification type email back. Just wanted to let you know when one of my sons stop by I will have them take a photo of Keith and myself with all of the babies for Happy Endings.
All the best to you and your "pupsters" from Keith and I. Hugs & Sweet Kisses from Mellie

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