Forever Home Update November 18, 2019 Hi Jan, Laddie is still doing great. He loves everyone-but especially Soi, if Soi is up hen Laddie is following him with his tail just-a-waggin’! It’s really cute and warms my heart. He loves to go outside and explore and is finding his way back to the ramp-slowly but surely. He is really into looking out the window, so I found a folding cushion/chair (that isn’t comfy for sleeping and I was going to get rid of) and put it in front of the window. He laid down and kept and eye on things outside-lol. I do have a question about his food portions...I think you said one of the bags will last a day, but when I take out two heaping tablespoons-there is a lot left. I just want to be sure I giving him enough (and you’re right-man, he loves that stuff!). There’s be no grumpy’s and I have received nose kisses. He slept in bed with me, but I had to turn off the TV as he is very interested in watching shows! Here are a few photos: We love this little guy! Sandee November 22, 2019 Hi Jan, I hope you don’t get tired of my updates-lol. I wanted to share some things with you... I left a little orange ball, his fish you sent with him and a new little stuffie in his bed and tonight he walked out with the ball in his mouth!! We played a little and it just made me so happy. He also barked at the door to go out for the first time! He barked when he wanted back in! He isn’t eating very well-but I am working on that. I have hand fed him until he says no and when he is finally hungry he eats a little. Trying to find a treat he likes-so far no apples or carrots. 😔 He isn’t digging being alone as I have tried leaving for an hour or so and he barks for quite some time (I watch him and talk to him on the Furbo dog camera-lol). But he will eventually get his routine down and settle down for a nap. I will be coming home at lunch everyday to break his day up for him and let him potty. So far only two piddle accidents. My heart is so full and just want you to know how thankful I am to have the chance to give him his forever home! Sandee (and Tom) December 13, 2019 Hi Jan, Laddie is nothing but a joy. He had only had 4 total potty accidents since arriving and that is unbelievable from my past experiences! He is still exploring to no end -in the house and outside! He tells us when he needs outside or off the bed in the middle of the night. He is so smart (for a stubborn Peke anyway-lol)! Eating was a rough ride... that didn't end where I wanted it to. He ate just enough raw diet to keep himself alive, but was very hungry and would sniff the cupboard where we keep the other dogs food. I mean, I snuck up and watched him and he would eat a bite or two and leave it. I am sorry to say I caved after doing research that clearly said they wouldn't starve themselves. But after sneaking to watch him and seeing him sniff the cupboard and then jump into the 'cat closet' where they eat to try and get their food...I felt bad. The good news is I am going to try again as I am sure the raw diet is much better for him. I will keep at it and hope for the best. My hope is after he is totally comfy he will eat it again. We LOVE this little chunker and he has such a personality! He loves all of the beds and moves from one to another frequently! The first week alone while we were at work he barked part of the day, but he has finally settled in and farts around in the afternoon while I watch him on the camera. It can throw treats - so he gets random dry dog food kibbles sometimes. LOL I would love to sponsor Sully! I will send pictures this weekend....but rest assured he thinks he owns this joint!! LOVE LOVE LOVE What else would one expect from a Pekey?! Sandee December 20, 2019 Hi Jan, Here’s a little update. We went to the groomer yesterday and did really well! Sonja said he didn’t bite at her, just barked to tell her he wasn’t happy. She just told him it was happening and he could talk all he wanted to-LOL. We stopped by work after the groomer to introduce him to my work family as they hear all about him. He had tons of fun exploring under all of the desks and meeting everyone. The new ramp has arrived and he uses it frequently to get up to his little platform to look outside. I have sent a video of his first time going down it. All I can say is that he fills my heart with joy and love. I thank you so much for all you do and looking after him for five years until he found us. When I saw his little face on your website-I was in love. Sandee January 29, 2020 Hi Jan, Laddie is doing great. Are you sure he’s not a Siberian Husky? LOL He LOVES to be outside-does not care that it’s cold out. Does not care if the snow is deep! Tom made a path all the way around the back yard so it’s easier for him to get around and he regularly walks right off the path into the deep snow and just keeps truckin’!! He is so much fun and always makes us laugh. He got a shorter haircut this time because he’s making a mess of himself exploring outside-lol. But the groomer had to stop at his chest/neck area because he was having NO part of those clippers in that area. He is not a fan of a harness, as I found out when trying his new LED lighted harness out (so much easier to see him from the window at night). But I found a way to make it easier-took off the strap that ran between the top and bottom part of the harness-so now, one slip over the head-one clip around the belly and no yelling or biting at me. It didn’t take me but one time to make that adjustment-lol! He also knows when I am going somewhere on the weekend and makes sure he lets me know he is ready to go with me. It’s funny because he doesn’t do it when I am getting ready for work through the week -just on weekends. He has his car seat now, so I just scoop him up and off we go! I just wanted to let you know he is doing so good. While he isn’t a lap dog and doesn’t like to sleep in bed—he TELLS US when he wants to be picked up and loved on and when he’s done! He is soooo funny. But he’s always excited and whines when I first come through the door after work. I pick him up and he gives me kisses. 💜 He is a true Pekey in every sense-and it makes me laugh everyday! I hope all is well for your family and it’s great to see all the kids going to their forever homes. Thanks again, for everything you do! We all appreciate you! Sandee & Tom (and Laddie, Soi, Sassee, Midget and George) November 23, 2020 Hi Jan! I hope things are going well for you and all your pupsters. November 17th marked Laddie’s (now deemed Mo -for Slow Mo) one year “retirement home” anniversary. I wanted to let you know he’s still doing great. He still doesn’t like being on furniture or sleeping with me, but I bring him up for as long as he wants to stay and then comply with his wishes and put him down when he’s ready. LOL He is glad for the cooler weather and stays out to explore longer when it’s cooler. He has two new siblings...Majick and Lady. Two kittens we took in. One who is a ‘special needs’ little guy and the other who wandered into our driveway. They love each other and race past Laddie and he barks at him as if to say ‘settle down you morons’. LOL His back legs splay out quite frequently and the vet set it’s myopathy and nothing can be done. This is somewhat similar to what our Sassee dog had-only it was due to severe arthritis in her spine. He does okay though-just needs to stay on the rugs...which are every where just for the dogs sake, but he’s stubborn-as you know. He absolutely loves Soi and likes to hang around him—just standing by him and wagging his tail. I just thought I would give you an update on this old man-he’s my heart and still gives me ‘welcome home’ kisses when I arrive after work. Tom and I have learned how to judge when he says it’s okay to pick him up...LOL. Happy upcoming holidays to you and yours. Tom, Sandee, Laddie, Soi, Midget, Majick and Lady November 22, 2021 Hi Jan, I tried to attach a short video of Mo grooming Soi, but it was to large. I took a shorter one so you could see our little old men. Also, I bought a ‘regular’ harness for him and combined that with the one from handicapped pets and it works fabulously!! It has a back piece and a front harness to that he is fully supported. He walks with this and has an easier time going potty. He actually walks with me -slowly, but wagging his tail- and lays down when he needs a break. So much relief! I just wanted to share this as our little macho guy has a little more ‘normalcy’ back. 😊 Happy Thanksgiving! Sandee & Tom (Mo/Laddie, Soi, Majick and Little Lady)