Tatum's Forever Home Update

Forever Home

May 13, 2020
Tatum is doing Awesome! She refused (quite loudly) to sleep in a basket on the floor next to the bed so she sleeps in a area surrounded by pillows between us in bed up by our heads. At first the two other girls did not want anything to do with her and were very standoffish (SP?) but now Tilly and Tinky have been playing with her!! She is a perfect fit with all the girls, we are blessed.
Thank you for allowing us to have the last three babies we got from Peke A Tzu Rescue; Tinky, Tilly and Tatum!!
Be well.

September 15, 2020
Everyone loves Tatum. Someone comes to the house and meets her and they are trying to take her home! Yesterday we had an electrician and his wife over, he said “You Know if you ever want to give up one of those pups you have, my wife and I would love to take that little white one!” Now I have to worry about her being pupnapped! Everyone wants her!

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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