Peke A Tzu Rescue Pupster Patrons Parade

Below are our Peke A Tzu Rescue pupster patrons modeling their newly acquired wardrobe with all of us!
A special thank you to all of their Moms and Dads for sharing their precious babies with us.
Please hold your cursor over the photo for the name of the Pupster Patron.

Page 6

Rex Priestman -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Dooney Gillingham -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Skippy Mattie -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Rex Pittel -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Mosey Schofield -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Mikki Pittel -  Peke  A Tzu PatronMikki Pittel -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Oscar Spiegel-  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Max Morse -  Peke  A Tzu PatronWizard Morse -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Talon Naber -  Peke  A Tzu PatronTalon Naber -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Moe Young from the UK-  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Starbuck Watson -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Lucky Bell -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Rupert Anderson -  Peke  A Tzu PatronRupert Anderson -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Gizmo Maloney -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Tristan Ralf -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Rex Stelmach -  Peke  A Tzu PatronRex Stelmach -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Max Dill -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Champ Isbell -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Syd Waggoneer -  Peke  A Tzu PatronLeo Waggoneer -  Peke  A Tzu Patrons

Oak Hall -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Lecter Ceja -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Duncan Tsuji -  Peke  A Tzu PatronPesce Tsuji -  Peke  A Tzu Patrons

Dylan Schleman -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Ivan Florimbio -  Peke  A Tzu PatronIvan Florimbio -  Peke  A Tzu Patrons

Syd Waggoner -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Cooper Bickler - Peke  A Tzu Patrons

Jungle Mickey James Pillow -  Peke  A Tzu PatronSafari Seussie Pillow-  Peke  A Tzu Patron

L-R: Pete, Cody & Mick Badia -  Peke  A Tzu Patrons

Rufus Brett -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Ollie Smith -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Pepys Smith -  Peke  A Tzu PatronJosh Smith -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Leo Waggoneer -  Peke  A Tzu PatronLeo Waggoneer -  Peke  A Tzu Patrons

Tyler Perry -  Peke  A Tzu PatronTyler Perry -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Rudy Chandler -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Trevor Perry -  Peke  A Tzu PatronTrevor Perry -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

Hercules Decker -  Peke  A Tzu Patron

royce nabe- Peke  A Tzu Patron

harry foote- Peke  A Tzu Patron

max johnson- Peke  A Tzu Patron

scruffy fritsch- Peke  A Tzu Patron

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Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.
Photos of Peke A Tzu patrons belong to the pet's housekeepers.
Do not take anything from the site without permission.