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Peke A Tzu Rescue's Happy Endings 2010

BING (Yorkie Maltese Mix) joined us in May of 2009. Bing had been moved from family to family due to marking in the house. He arrived extremely timid and unsure of what life was to bring him. Little by little he came out of his shell and realized that all was well. We did not fault him for his lifting and gradually he conquered potty training. We told him there was someone very special waiting for him that would love him forever.
BingCami & Mom & Dad Renee and Gary
Bing is loved beyond measure by his Forever Mom & Dad Renee and Gary in Lake Ann, Michigan.

RORY (Poodle) joined us in September 2006. What a character! There was never a dull moment with our Rory. He was so full of life and curious about everything around him. He loved everyone he met and showered them with kisses. He will be missed.
Rory is thrilled that he has been reunited with his brother Shane and adores his Forever Mom and Dad Cara and Bob in Erie, Pennsylvania.

LANA (Yorkshire Terrier) joined us in February 2010. Lana was a retired breeder. She arrived unsure of herself, but it didn't take her long to realize that life was good. She worked us with those big brown eyes and it didn't take her long to have us wrapped right around her little paws.
LanaLana, Mom & Dad Jeff & Dona & Sister Shimmer
Lana adores her Forever Mom & Dad Dona and Jeff and thinks Sister Shimmer is the greatest in Northville, Michigan.
Our sweet Lana left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on September 12, 2019.

BISHOP (Shih Tzu) joined us in March 2007. Bishop had retired from the breeding world and the minute we held him he melted our hearts. All he had to do was look at us and whatever he wanted he received. His sweetness won over everyone he met. We shall miss his sweet kisses and gentle ways.
BishopBishop and Mom Laura
Bishop is living the high life with his Forever Mom Laura in Howell, Michigan.

BREWSTER (Bichon Frise) joined us in September 2006. Brewster was one of the most handsome Bichons we had ever seen. He came from the breeding world and shy wasn't even the word. He was so frightened and unsure of himself. Even as he left for his Forever Home he had a long way to go in regards to trust. We know he is in the best home ever and someday he will know all is well.
BrewsterBrewster and Mom and Dad Linda & Bill
Brewster is so glad he found his Forever Mom and Dad Linda and Bill and thinks his brother Lenny is the best in Kentwood, Michigan.

Lily (fka JOSLYN Shih Tzu) came into our lives in July 2007. Joslyn was a retired breeder and what a sweet, lovable little girl she was. She was so gentle and quiet and just loved to be loved. Her big brown eyes just melted our hearts.
JOSIE (Shih Tzu) arrived in September of 2008. Josie was also a retired breeder and what a character! She was constantly on the go and loved everyone she met. She definitely kep our days busy and full of laughter.
Lily, Josie & Mom Caolyn
Lily and Josie are thoroughly enjoying life with their Forever Mom Carolyn in Walker, Michigan.

TASSEL (Maltese) joined us in March of 2007. Tassel was a retired breeder and arrived unsure of herself and shy. As the days progressed she began to come out of her shell. She was a lovely, sweet little girl and will be missed.
TasselTassel and Mom and Dad Rosemarie & Lucien
Tassel adores her Forever Mom and Dad Rosemarie and Lucien and is enjoying her Maltese sister Buttons in Coleman, Michigan.
Our sweet Tassel left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on May 2, 2016.

Shasta (fka VANCE Cock A Poo) joined us in January of 2007. Vance was a sweet little boy just packed full of love. He shared his kisses with us often and cuddling close to us was one of his favorite things to do. Shasta enjoyed every day to the fullest.
ShastaShasta and Mom Kym with brothers Pepsi and MeCola
Shasta is keeping his Forever Mom and Dad Kym and Bob's ball throwing arm in great condition and loves his pupster brothers Pepsi and MeCola in Wind Lake, Wisconsin.
Our sweet Shasta left all of those who loved him and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on January 11, 2024.

Sissy (fka CLASSY Shih Tzu) joined us in June of 2009. Classy was found as a stray matted to the skin. Once she settled in with us and knew she was safe, Sissy's wonderful personality emerged. What a loving little girl and quite the character! She gave the best kisses ever and had us wrapped right around her little paws.
SissySissy and Mom and Dad Barbara and Jay with brother Kaiso
Sissy has won the hearts of her Forever Mom and Dad Barbara and Jay and thinks her brother Kaiso is pretty cool in Marlette, Michigan.

BRODY (Poodle) joined us in April 2009. Brody was shuffled from home to home due to potty issues. He was such a macho little guy and couldn't help that he was a "power lifter". Belly bands were the answer for him. He was packed full of love and his sweet nature won our hearts. All he wanted was to be held close and cuddled.
Brody is living the life of a king with his Forever Mom and Dad Mary and Ted in Ontario, Canada.

MING (Japanese Chin) joined us in December of 2007. Ming's owner was a dog trainer and she had tried different techniques with Ming due to his aggressiveness with her other dogs. He arrived here and we found him to be a soft, gentle, loving little boy. Although he could be a bit alpha, a firm no was all he needed. We adored him and he was such a lover boy!
MingMing and Mom Margaret
Ming has his Forever Mom Margaret wrapped right around his little paws in Newmarket, Ontario.

FIONA (Shih Tzu) joined us in September 2008. Fiona came to us when she was a puppy due to medical issues that needed to be addressed. When full grown she was a tiny little girl weighing in at a little over 4 lbs. Her big brown eyes could melt anyone's heart and during her stay with us we fell head over heels in love with her. We surely miss her.
FionaFiona, Mom Stephane, Dad Mark and Pupster Brother Meilo
Fiona has captured her Mom Stephane and Dad Mark's hearts and is weaving her magic on her pupster brother Meilo in Saginaw, Michigan.
Our sweet Fiona left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on May 13, 2023.

RHEA (Shih Tzu) joined us in October 2008. Rhea's owner was having health issues and contacted us to help Rhea. What a blessing she was! Rhea was a very shy little girl, but as time progressed her loving personality emerged. She so enjoyed romping & playing with the other pupsters and was quite the little character. We miss her sweet kisses.
RheaRhea, Mom Carol & Dad Jerry
Rhea is keeping her Mom Carol and Dad Jerry very busy and loves her pupster sister Katie in Lansing, Michigan.

Onna (fka PAULETTE Pomeranian) joined us in June 2010. Paulette was the sweetest, gentlest little girl. she loved to be held and cuddled Shy at first, but once she became comfortable she gave the best Pommy kisses ever.
OnnaOnna & Mom Willabelle
Onna has brought so much joy to her Mom's life in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

CRICKET (Shih Tzu) joined us in May 2010. Cricket was quite the character. She could have given the energized bunny a run for his money. She was packed full of love and kisses and we adored her. Her love for life was endless and we shall miss her.
CricketCricket & Mom Lee
Cricket is keeping her Moms Lee and Shari busy, loves her pupster sisters Kelsey and Lily and thinks her kitty brothers Moonlight and Valentino are really neat in Spring Lake, Michigan.
Our sweet Cricket left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 29, 2024.

ROXIE (Pomeranian) joined us in September 2009. Roxie's Mom had lost her home and was unable to keep her. Roxie was a sweet little girl who won our hearts immediately. She was a bit "bossy", but made up for that with lots of soft kisses.
RoxieRoxie & Mom Allison
Roxie is showering her Mom Allison with love, is enjoying her pupster brother and sisters Kodi, Lola and Juneau and thinks her kitty sister and brother Cito and Cassidy are very interesting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Our sweet Roxie left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge in June, 2016.

PATINA (Shih Tzu) joined us in September 2008. Patina and her three sisters and one brother arrived when puppies due to various health issues. Patina was a lovebug with an endearing personality. She had her own special way of voicing her likes and dislikes. She was our little shadow, always wanting to be with us. We adored her!
PatinaPatina & Mom Jean
Patina has won her Mom Jean's heart and is thrilled to be reunited with her sister Kiana in Oak Brook, Illinois.
Our sweet Patina left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 11, 2024.

FENTON (Brussels Griffon) joined us in October 2009. Fenton was a retired breeder and arrived shy and withdrawn. With lots of patience and lots of love he blossomed into a loving little boy. His personality emerged and what a character! He filled every one of our days with joy.
FentonFenton & Sister Madison
Fenton is enjoying life with his Mom Elizabeth, Dad Daniel and pupster sisters and brothers Minnie, Tippi, Walter and Keegan in Chicago, Illinois.

BRANDY (Shih Tzu) joined us in March 2009. She had retired from the breeding world. She was such a sweet little girl. Once comfortable she frequently shared her wonderful kisses with us and being held in our arms was one of her favorite past times. We shall miss her.
BrandyBrandy & Mom Romaine
Brandy was an answer to her Mom's prayers and loves her home in Essexville, Michigan.
Our sweet Brandy left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on October 17, 2013.

REESE (Shih Tzu) joined us in September 2008. Reese and his four sisters arrived when puppies due to various health issues. When we set eyes on him he walked right into our hearts. He was such a cuddle bug and shared his love with us through special kisses and cuddles. There wasn't anything better than holding him close.
ReeseReese, Mom Rose, Dad Harold & pupster sisters Tinker & Midget
Reese is enjoying life to the fullest with his Mom Rose, Dad Harold and pupster sisters Tinker & Midget in Shelby Township, Michigan.

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Photos of Peke A Tzu Rescue adopted furbabies belong to the pet's owners.
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