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Daisy (fka BANGLES Shih Tzu) joined us in June 2015. She was a retired breeder. Daisy was an absolute doll baby. She settled in quickly and definitely won our hearts. She loved to be loved and we enjoyed her sweet kisses. We know everyone who meets our sweet girl will fall in love with her.
DaisyMom Jenny
Daisy has her Forever Mom Jenny wrapped right around her little paws and adores her pupster brother Buddy in Wisconsin.
Our sweet Daisy left all of those who loved h34 and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on December 4, 2024.

Sabrina (Shih Tzu) joined us in December 2015. She had retired from the breeding world. Sabrina was quite the character. Always happy, tail wagging and begging for lots of hugs and kisses. She was a tiny Shih Tzu who thought she was a St. Bernard. She wasn't fond of the other pupsters and made that quite clear. She won our hearts immediately and we will miss our little "Diva".
SabrinaMom Kathy
Sabrina is on the road with her Forever Mom Kathy in Ohio.
Our sweet Sabrina left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 4, 2022.

Maui (Shih Tzu) joined us in November 2015. Maui was a very shy, frightened little girl when she arrived. With lots of encouragement and love she began to blossom. She loved to play with the other pupsters and gradually came out of her shell. She was such a beautiful little girl and we could not resist those little liver lips! We know she will be loved forever.
MauiMom & Dad Tricia and Tom
Maui has captured her Forever Mom & Dad Tricia and Tom's hearts and thinks her pupster sister Willow is wonderful in Indiana.

Libby (Shih Tzu) joined us in May 2014. Libby was a retired breeder. She was a sweet, gentle, lovable little girl. She wanted nothing more than to be held and cuddled. She had the cutest way of standing on her back feet and pawing. We shall miss her sweetness.
LibbyMom & Dad Marcey and Fred
Libby adores her Forever Mom & Dad Marcey and Fred and loves her pupster brother Buster in Illinois.
Our sweet Libby left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on September 30, 2023.

Zelda (Pomeranian) joined us in February 2016. Zelda had retired from the breeding world. She was so frightened when she arrived but as time passed she blossomed into a loving, sweet little girl. She was packed full of energy and every day was a new adventure for her.
ZeldaMom Christine
Zelda is certainly enjoying her Forever Mom & Dad Christine and Lafayette and adores her brother Lafe Jr in Michigan.

Murphy (Shih Tzu) joined us in June 2015. Murphy was a retired breeder. He was quite quiet when he first arrived, but that soon changed. He was absolutely full of it every minute he was awake. He loved to be held and cuddled and enjoyed everyone he met. He tended to get a time out now and again, but he just couldn't help himself.
MurphyMoms Sue and Winnie
Murphy is definitely keeping his Forever Moms Sue and Winnie busy in Michigan.

Lotus (Shih Tzu) joined us in September 2015. Lotus was turned over to us because she suffered from intentional tremors. Her little body shook unless she was sleeping. She was an absolute joy and her condition did not slow her down a bit. She was packed full of kisses and loved to be held and cuddled. What a little doll baby!
LotusMom & Dad Barb & Jim Sue
Lotus has fallen in love with her Forever Mom & Dad Barb and Jim and they in turn are thrilled to have her in their lives in Michigan

Promenade (Pekingese) joined us in June 2014. Promenade was a retired breeder. She arrived very shy and withdrawn. It took awhile, but eventually she realized she was safe and began to blossom. When she left us she was a confident, loving little girl and had evolved into quite the character. We shall miss her Pekey antics.
PromenadeMom Dolores
Promenade is being treated like the queen she is by her Forever Mom & Dad Dolores and Art and loves her brother Biscuit in Illinois.
Our sweet Promenade left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on January 11, 2024.

Raven (Shih Tzu) joined us in December 2013. Raven had retired from the breeding world. She was so shy, nervous and skittish. It was quite some time before we felt she was prepared to search for her Forever Home. Lots of love and kindness were given to her and finally she was ready for that special home. Raven was so sweet and filled every day of our lives with such joy.
RavenMom & Dad Kathy and Larry
Raven is in love with her Forever Mom & Dad Kathy and Larry and enjoying her pupster sisters Bella and Gabby in Michigan.
Our sweet Raven left all of those who loved her and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 24, 2023.

Lexi (Shih Tzu) joined us in August 2015. Lexi was a retired breeder. She was such a sweet little girl, but so afraid of the world. Bit by bit she began to trust and her wonderful loving personality emerged. She began to romp and play with the other pupsters and by the time she left she could do the Shih Tzu Blitz with the best of them!
LexiMom Lyn
Lexi is doing wonderfully with her Forever Mom Lyn in Missouri.

Camey (Shih Tzu) joined us in August 2015. Camey had retired from the breeding world. We fell in love with her the minute we held her in our arms. She just melted our hearts when she gazed up at us with those beautiful eyes. Camey loved to be held and her favorite place was our laps. She will be missed.
CameyMom Carleen
Camey is so happy with her Forever Mom & Dad Carleen and Terry and her pupster sister Joy in Michigan.

Murphy (FKA Rocko Shih Tzu) joined us in December 2015. Murphy was a retired breeder. What a frightened little boy he was! He circled constantly and even sucked on his tail when stressed. Slowly he began to realize he was safe and very loved. He was such a sweet little boy and his little face just melted our hearts.
MurphyMom Jean
Murphy is filling his Mom Jean's life with so much joy in Michigan.

Dash (Shih Tzu) joined us in April 2015. Dash had retired from the breeding world. He needed a lot of socialization and did not begin searching for his Forever Home for quite some time. Finally we felt he was ready and we are thrilled he has found such a wonderful home. We are very proud of him and miss his sweet, crooked smile.
DashMom & Dad Janice & Herb
Dash has settled in nicely with his Mom and Dad Janice and Herb in Michigan.

Bekki (Yorkshire Terrier) joined us in January 2016. Bekki was a retired breeder. Once she was comfortable her great personality emerged. She was packed full of energy and what a little clown. She loved to be held and cuddled and gave the best kisses ever!
BekkiMom & Dad Sandy and Ken
Bekki has her Mom and Dad Sandy and Ken wrapped right around her little paws and loves her pupster sister and brother Emma and Punky in Michigan.

Tristan (Shih Tzu) joined us in August 2013. Tristan had retired from the breeding world. Tristan had no socialization and it was a long road to recovery for this little boy. Two steps forward and one step back was a daily routine, but with patience and love our little man finally realized life was good. He still was unsure of himself when he said goodbye to us, but we know he is brave and there will come a day where he will feel totally secure. We miss his cuddles!
TristanMom & Dad Lynda & Brian
Tristan is snuggling close to his Mom and Dad Lynda and Brian and thinks his sister JoJo is absolutely beautiful in Michigan.
Our sweet Tristan left all of those who loved him and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on February 3, 2024.

Zoey (fka DORIE Pomeranian) joined us in February 2016. Zoey was a retired breeder. She was very nervous and frightened when she arrived. Her big eyes held so much expression and we cheered the day we saw there was no longer any fear in them. She was quite the character once she knew all was well. We shall miss her crazy antics!
ZoeyMom Christine
Zoey is enjoying her daily walks with her Mom Christine and is thrilled she has been reunited with her sister Zelda in Michigan.

Duncan (fka POGO Shih Tzu) joined us in October 2015. Pogo's Mommy chewed his leg off when he was a few weeks old so the breeder called us. He was absolutely adorable and quite the character! Busy, inquisitive and always on the go, he won everyone's hearts he met.
Rafa (fka FIGARO Shih Tzu) joined us in July 2016. He was a breeder turn in for he was so tiny, was not gaining weight and had very little hair. With change in diet and a lot of TLC he began to improve. He also was a very shy little boy and we showered him with love. He couldn't resist us and soon was covering us with his sweet kisses.
There was never a dull moment with these two around...we miss them.
Mom & Dad Jane and Jeff
Duncan and Rafa are keeping their Mom and Dad Jane and Jeff very busy and love snuggling with their pupster brothers Tobie and Stinky in Illinois.

Moka (Shih Tzu) joined us in October 2015. Moka was a retired breeder. What a character he was! We soon learned his inquisitive nature led to many exciting adventures. He opened cupboards and we learned to never leave paper within his reach to mention a few of the adventures. He wanted nothing more than to be snuggled close.
Mom & Dad Rose and Richard
Moka adores his Mom and Dad Rose and Richard and is enjoying his pupster sister and brother Hannah and Tuffy in Illinois.

Jaba (fka STOVER Shih Tzu) joined us in July 2016. Jaba was turned over by his breeder because in her opinion he was too large to use for breeding. Jaba was the most loving, sweet little boy and he soon became our lap buddy. He loved the other pupsters here and never ran out of energy. We loved him dearly and will miss kissing that little liver nose and sweet liver lips.
Mom Melissa
Jaba transferred his love quickly to his Mom Melissa and thinks his pupster brother Chewy is really cool in Michigan.

Halo (Shih Tzu) joined us in September 2016. Halo was turned over by her breeder because she had very little coat and could not be used for breeding. She was an absolute joy. She loved to be held and cuddled and managed to get everything her heart desired just by turning those beautiful eyes in our direction. We will miss her sweet kisses.
Mom & Dad Lisa and Corey
Halo crawled right into her Mom & Dad's hearts immediately, stole everyone's hearts in the family and loves her pupster brother Curtis in Michigan.

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Contents of this site are the property of Peke A Tzu Rescue.
Photos of Peke A Tzu Rescue adopted furbabies belong to the pet's owners.
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