April 1, 2018

Wow, Easter is here once again. Well, Mom got out the bunny glasses as usual. For those of us who have seen this routine before we made ourselves scarce really fast. Of course Sage had no idea what was coming and ended up in the photo shoot. Someone needs to find where Mom stashes her holiday props and dispose of them!
Once pictures were done we had an Easter Treat Hunt…yum, yum!
We hope everyone one had a wonderful day today with family and friends.
April 6, 2018

In our Pupster Shelter we have our own refrigerator for our raw food and veggie and fruits. Yep, we are on a very healthy diet. No stuff from the pet stores. Tonight when Mom had her hands full of trays of meat and opened the refrigerator door Lynice and Abbie hopped right in before she could do anything. Abbie proceeded to try to open the bag of oranges while Lynice stood guard. Mom just laughed. We know they won't get time outs because they are new to everything here so Mom just quietly told them "We don't do that here", and asked them to get down. We just wish they could have grabbed a couple of oranges before they got caught!
April 13, 2018

Oh Geez, here comes Mom with the camera again! Curtsey keep your head down and pretend you are sleeping. Buffy here will just lay really still. Maybe Mom won't notice me at all tucked in behind you like this. We can only hope we have discouraged her from insisting we be part of the photo op today!
April 20, 2018

Culley and Abbie here are having so much fun! You know we have never seen so many different things and are so curious. Most of our lives we have been confined in a cage.
So, tonight Mom was getting paper towels out and we had so much fun. Culley was playing "King of the Paper Towels" and Abbie was helping tear open the package. Now we know Mom is stretching the rules a bit for us for she wants us to have new experiences and not be afraid of anything. The other pupsters told us we had better enjoy it while it lasts for once we get the gist of things around here we might just get a few time outs…whatever those are.
April 26, 2018

Geez, Mom would you please calm Brookie down? She is running around, barking, twirling and basically being absolutely obnoxious! She thinks she is the most important pupster here now just because she has found her Forever Home. All of us pupsters are of course thrilled for her, but too much exuberance can be very annoying you know!
April 30, 2018

Someone needs to have a nice long conversation with Caffee. There are some of us who need the pee pee pads for we sometimes have accidents. Caffee thinks they are her own personal blankies and wads them up. THEN she proceeds to gather all of the toys into her own little space and tells all of us that they are all hers. Mom says she will definitely be attending our "Pupster Sharing Seminar" in May. See you then!!