July 1, 2018

Hello everyone!!!
Did you miss us? We sure missed all of you. Wow, we had one heck of a busy June. Mom totally wore us out with her "Pupster Do List". We think we should all be able to rest for the remainder of the year, but Mom said there are still some things left on the list…geez!! For the next couple of days she did say we could just chill out and that is exactly what we are planning on doing!
July 4, 2018

When Mom was a little girl and she went to school all of the students took turns raising the flag up the school flag pole. It was considered an honor to do this and each student looked forward to their turn. They were taught the importance of the American Flag and what it represented. All were taught how to fold the flag properly and the respect that was due this symbol of our freedom. Once the flag was proudly flying all recited the Pledge of Allegiance. They did this willingly and with a great sense of pride. In this world of ours today someway, somehow all of us need to reaffirm this sense of pride that should be a natural part of us and to stand for what we believe in no matter the dissension that may surround us. Be proud to be an American and let all see the love that we have for this great land that we are privileged to be a part of!
We all want to wish you a wonderful 4th of July. Please keep all of the men and women that so courageously serve our country in your daily prayers.
July 8, 2018

You know it has been very, very hot! Even for us pupsters who so love to sun bathe it has been a bit too much. Sooooo, this is the way we cool off when we come into the house. The air feels so good and we make the best of it!
July 12, 2018

Mom has been selling some old records on eBay and boy, would we like to get a bit
closer to check them out, but the rules are stay your distance when she is taking the
pictures. Pretty boring if you ask us. Maybe if she finds one that isn't sellable she'll let us check it out…they look pretty chewable to us!
July 16, 2018

Mom you had better come check this out!! We snuck up on Newt and Prada and caught them smooching on each other. Now, they know what the rules are here…no hanky panky is supposed to be going on. I think you need to have a nice long talk with them about establishing romantic relationships!
July 20, 2018

Isn't this the strangest looking chicken you have ever seen? Dad revved up the smoker today and this was the result. Now we pupsters are here to tell you that this is the best smelling chicken our noses have ever experienced! We are hoping Mom and Dad will be sharing with all of us.
July 24, 2018

Jodi reporting in. I'll tell you what…this is the life. Out cruising on the water in Traverse City. Doesn't get any better than this. My sister and I have been having a ball and we love being with our Daddy. We even went swimming and I loved it!
July 28, 2018

Treasure and Buffy here. Just wanted to let you know we made it home safe and sound. We absolutely love our Mom and Dad. Our new brother Okie is something else. We think we are in love with him too. He loves to play with Treasure. Now Buffy here…I just prefer a nice lap and prefer to just observe the craziness of the other two. We miss everyone already, but boy, are we having fun!
July 31, 2018

Well, here we are at the end of the month already. Summer is just flying by. Mom has kept us really busy this month. Never a dull moment around here. It seems like her "Pupster Do List" gets longer and longer. Mom says it is healthy to stay busy. Frankly we like Dad's more relaxed outlook towards life, but Mom is the food source which is really important so we walk a straight line. See you in August!!